The ISO 9001 standard gives companies a guarantee value, which helps them maintain and increase their profits and their list of satisfied customers.

The quality has always been one of the most relevant factors in the business sector, since it involves suppliers, entrepreneurs and customers; Now it is only limited to the product or service, but it also includes each stage of the production process in which the approval of what you want to offer is guaranteed.

Previously, there was a talk of quality control, but it was until the beginning of the 21st century that the term quality assurance began to be implemented, which works under a management system that responds positively to the tests and standards of product or service quality.

What is ISO 9001?

Is a standard belonging to the ISO standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization, an organ that establishes the requirements that apply to the quality management systems of public and private companies.

The standard ISO 9001 is the method par excellence that improves the quality of products, services and customer satisfaction because the latter value more those companies that respond in a practical and accurate way to their demands. 

The ISO 9001 standard is a competitive advantage for companies

This international standard in the basis of the quality management system (QMS) that concentrate in its structure various components that allow managing and improving quality , a factor that drives companies that have this certification.

ISO 9001 Versions

ISO 9001 is part of the ISO 9000 family, which underwent a series of transformations due to the effects of globalization applied in the business sector. At the beginning it did not represented an advance for companies, so it understand a transition.

Under a detailed review more successful versions were achieved for all types of companies, regardless of size and branch of activities. After this, two outstanding versions emerged, one in 2008 and the most recent in 2015.

  • Structure of ISO 9001:2008

  1. Objectives and scope
  2. Regulatory Dependency
  3. Terms and Definitions
  4. Quality management system.General requirements of ISO 9001 and specific requirements for document management.
  5. Management responsibility. The management area of the company must have the commitment to comply with the requirements. Some of them are: the policy, approve, objectives, define authorities and responsibilities,etc.
  6. Resource management. The three types of resources that are needed for optimal management of the company are distinguished.
  7. Realization of the product or service. Requirements of what is offered. It covers from customer service to delivery of the product or service.
  8. Measurement, analysis and improvement. Requirements that collect information, analyze it and act according to the results.

During the transition phase of the 2008 to 2015 version that lasted three years, multiple companies were approved for having the certification of one or the other, but in September 2015 the certification under the ISO 9001:2008 version ceased to be valid.

  • Structure of ISO 9001:2015

Regarding the previous one, it has a high level structure, which impacts on the management of time and resources. The ISO 9001:2015 standard incorporates two new requirements:

  1. Objectives and scope
  2. Normative references
  3. Terms and definitions
  4. Company context
  5. Leadership
  6. Planning
  7. Support
  8. Operation
  9. Performance Rating
  10. Improvement

In general terms, the ISO 9001 standard has the primary objective of seeking customer satisfaction under the fulfillment of the above requirements.

Do you need a Quality Management software?

Who can apply ISO 9001?

This international standard is designed to adapt to any company without any discrimination, a feature that has strengthened its application in the business sector.

It is ideal for companies that pursue work excellence, those that seek more than compliance with a legal framework. A certification such as the support that gives the most prestigious and approved companies.

Why is ISO 9001 important for your business?

Having the certification of the ISO 9001 standard is synonymous with multiple benefits that are applied at different levels of production, as well as in control and performance; They are responsible for directing the company towards a procedure of excellence.

The ISO standard can be implemented in…

  • Infrastructure

    In order for a service or product to meet the requirements stipulated in the standard, the company must have the appropriate technical means and facilities to optimally develop each of the activities.

    It is the duty of the company to identify the requirements that fit its quality,expansion, strategic,etc, in order to determine if the equipment it has meets those requirements. And finally, ensure the maintenance and subsistence of the infrastructure to avoid repercussions that may affect the quality of the product or service.

  • Work environment

    Although this certification is not concerning personal relationships between the employees of a company, ISO 9011 focuses on the work environment, since it allows obtaining a quality product or service. Here the hygienic conditions,the temperature of the facilities, the protection systems, among others are taken into account.

  • Relationship with suppliers

    A supplier is a person who supplies the company with a product or service and has an important role because they are involved in the production process. Therefore,the ISO 9001 certificate is required, which determines the control filters of the suppliers through criteria of selection and evaluation of what they offer.

  • Process Evaluation

    To be able to say that a company is profitable, it is necessary to know the results it is obtaining and if these correspond to the objectives set. In this way, the mode of evaluation of the processes to analyze and make the necessary improvements is prepondered.

  • Benefits of ISO 9001 with Visual Mexico

    Quality management systems are related to the profitability and success of companies, therefore, more and more are added to the importance of audits that help them strengthen the administration method and fulfill each of its objectives.

In Visual Mexico we provide IQM (Infor Quality Management), a business quality management system that helps meet the requirements of ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and others.

With IQM we provide companies with a complete method based on international approval and recognition standards. We offer an efficient production model that helps to obtain superior results that gives companies a competitive advantage in the market.

IQM is made up of 16 integrated modules that, by sharing information, improve the quality issue in each area of the companies operation.

The modules are: 

  1. Involve ( Employee Administration)
  2. APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) 
  3. Data Collection (Product and process inspection)
  4. Correct (Corrective Actions)
  5. Calibration (Calibrations and MSA)
  6. Audit (Audit Management)
  7. Customer (
  8. PPAP ( Production Part Approval Process) 
  9. NC (Nonconformities)
  10. Process
  11. Prevent ( Maintenance Management) 
  12. Product ( Product Management)
  13. SPC  (Statistical Process Control ) 
  14. SYSDOC (Document Management)
  15. Supplier
  16. Quality cost

Likewise, it favors the commercial relations that demand high levels of quality and efficiency to maintain links with certified suppliers, this represented a notable benefit in the management of expenses.

The ISO standard is a way to maintain continuous improvement, optimum performance and satisfaction at all business levels.

The certification of the ISO 9001 standard includes a differentiator between companies that lack it because it has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, improving the quality of the product or service and with it, the companies projection in the market.

Does your company already have an ISO seal?

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